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Voices from The Daring Diaries Community: Read Their Inspired Thoughts 

Shiwana Rucker

In a world where everyone seeks inclusion and acceptance regardless of one’s abilities or disabilities, along comes Ondréa Burton’s “Crowning Destiny.”


Destiny is a young lady with a disability whose wish is to be accepted by her peers. This book is not just for children with disabilities. It is a journey for every man, woman, boy, and a girl who seeks approval and wants to be seen as smart, beautiful, and human.


Kathy Mathews


Ernest Hemingway coined the phrase, “Courage is grace under pressure.”

I have known the author Ondréa Burton for more than 13 years and as an observer, I have found this to be a phrase that is the epitome of all she encompasses. There are just some people who have been gifted with the natural inclination to take life head-on with dignity and grace. We all experience pressure in our lives. We feel pressure to perform both professionally and personally, pressure in our relationships, parenting, etc. And what separates those who succeed under pressure from those who collapse is perspective.


Ondréa has a keen perspective. A hopeful optimist. A glass-half-full kind of person. This quality has served her well in how she has raised, nurtured, and loved her daughter, Avani. Like any other parent, from the day I met her, she humbly bragged of her daughter’s accomplishments and swelled with pride; but it was nearly four years into our relationship before I knew Avani had any special needs. She never gave any indication that her life was slightly more challenging or that her load was any heavier than anyone trying to raise their child to be a kind, productive human being. She surrounded Avani with those who would celebrate + support her. She is an enthusiastic and relentless advocate for not only Avani but for anyone whose voice needs to be amplified above all the noise. Ondréa gracefully plays the hand dealt to her and never complains or asks why. In fact, she has raised Avani to possess the same kind of disposition. There are some children who inherit their parents’ good looks or wealth, but Avani has inherited her mother’s ability to have courage and grace under pressure.

My prayer is that her book will give a bit more light to the dark places in the world. A bit more beauty to the ugly places. And that Avani’s story will challenge our perspectives, reminding us of the undeniable, undisputed power of LOVE!

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