This heartwarming book showcases Destiny, a student living with a disability, being crowned Homecoming Queen by her classmates. It was such a cool experience that she wanted to share the story with the world.
After writing Crowning Destiny, the author wanted to share other fun stories about her life that she wrote down in her diary. That’s when The Daring Diaries series was imagined to celebrate unique differences, while empowering the voice and presence of persons of all abilities.
The character, Destiny, represents the author in each story. She chose this name because each daring journey was another accomplishment toward fulfilling her destiny.
Get excited! Crowning Destiny, the first book in The Daring Diaries series, is available for pre-order. Click the button to reserve your copy.
We know you will enjoy this collection of empowering tales, featuring Destiny, a captivating young lady living with a disability. Each charming story highlights acts of courage + kindness + gratitude.
The Daring Diaries Series Are Written For...
Individuals Living with a Disability
Individuals Seeking Affirmation
Individuals Looking to Be Inspired
Change Makers
Diversity Champions
Caregivers and Parents
Kingdom People
Ages 4 and Up
Departments of Education
Disability Communities
EVERYONE, Especially YOU!
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